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Chinese “tou”is a common word in daily life. In modern Chinese language, it can be used solely, but can also be added before or after other words to form a new word. The meaning of “tou” extends after being followed or preceded by other words. Some extended meanings are similar to the original meaning of “tou”, heads of human beings or animals, but some meanings are totally different from the original meaning. Besides, after being added to other words, sometimes the pronunciations of “tou” also change. For example, “tou” can be pronounced in the level tone, instead of the rising tone.

Many studies in China focus on the changes of pronunciations of “tou”, exploring the different changes of pronunciation when “tou” is collocated with different words. Rarely had scholars studied the process of changes of its meanings and searched how the extensions are brought about. This thesis mainly attempts to explain the relationships between the extended meanings and the original meaning of “tou” according to Lakoff’s theory of Radial Categories and analyzes the causes of the extension of meanings of “tou” in the framework of Idealized Cognitive Models (ICMs). First, the thesis explains what the Idealized Cognitive Model is and its four principles. Second, the thesis lists the original meanings and main different and typical meanings of the phrases or idioms that are formed by “tou” in the Modern Chinese Dictionary. Third, the thesis puts those different meanings into four different categories. Fourth, the thesis analyzes the causes of the extension and the relationships between the extended meanings and the original meaning of “tou”. By applying the theory of Radial Categories to the study of “tou”, this thesis finds out that the extended meanings of “tou” are transformed from the original meaning of “tou” directly or indirectly. Besides, after analyzing different meanings of “tou” in the framework of the Idealized Cognitive Models, the thesis finds out that metaphors and metonymies are two major ways that cause the extensions of “tou”. 

The thesis aims to help people understand the different meanings of Chinese word “tou” deeply and thoroughly and apply the ways mentioned in the thesis to the researches of other words or affixes.


Key words: Chinese “tou”, Idealized Cognitive Models, extension





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the study-1

1.2 Significance and objectives of the study-1

1.3 Layout of the study-2

1.4 Research questions for this thesis-2

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 The importance of categorization-3

2.2 Theory on Radial Categories-3

2.3 Related studies on the Chinese word “tou”-4

Chapter 3 Idealized Cognitive Models-5

3.1 Brief introduction-5

3.2 Four principles-6

3.2.1 Propositional structure-6

3.2.2 Image-schematic structure-6

3.2.3 Metaphoric mapping-8

3.2.4 Metonymic mapping-8

3.3 Relationships of the four principles-8

Chapter 4 ICMs analysis of “tou”-10

4.1 Chinese “tou” as a category-10

4.2 Chinese “tou” used in spatial category-10

4.3 Chinese “tou” used in time category-11

4.4 Chinese “tou” used in abstract category-12

4.5 Grammaticalization of “tou”-13

4.6 The extension of the meanings of “tou”-14

Chapter 5 Conclusion-16

5.1 Major findings-16

5.2 Limitations and suggestions for future study-17


