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Learning style is one of the main concerns of the study on learner’s individual differences, which has important theoretical and practical value. Class engagement also plays an important role in English teaching, which has attracted the attention of many scholars. However, the literature available shows that the study on the correlation between learning style and class engagement is very rare. 

Based on the analysis of the related literature at home and abroad, the present thesis focuses on the correlation of English majors’ learning style and class engagement in Soochow University. The purpose of the study is to find out whether there is a correlation between learning style and class engagement and what kind of learning style has a higher degree of class engagement.

Firstly, based on Reid’s (1987) perceptual learning style questionnaire, this thesis tries to find out the perceptual learning styles of the participants who are sophomore and junior English majors in Soochow University. The total number of participants is 185 from eight intact classes. Secondly, by using Kong’s class engagement questionnaire and interview, the thesis aims to find out the present state of the participants’ class engagement.

Through the analysis of the questionnaires and interview, the results are as follows:

1)-The multiple correlation coefficients are generally small (no more than 0.2), and the overall degree of class engagement and personal learning style do not show a very significant correlation.

2)-In the correlation analysis of class engagement and learning styles, class engagement has a relatively strong correlation with visual and auditory learning styles. 

It can be concluded that among five learning styles, visual and auditory learning styles’ effect on class engagement is more prominent than other factors.


Key words: learning style, class engagement, English majors





Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 Background & need of the Study-1

1.2 Purpose & method Briefing-1

1.3 Organization of the Thesis.-2

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 Definition of Key Terms-3

2.1.1 Learning Style-3

2.1.2 Class Engagement-3

2.2 Related Studies-4

2.2.1 Studies about Learning Style-4

2.2.2 Studies about Class Engagement-5

2.3 Limitation of Related Studies-6

Chapter 3 Research Methodology and Procedure-7

3.1 Research Questions-7

3.2 The Setting and Participants-7

3.3 Research Instruments-7

3.3.1 Questionnaire-7

3.3.2 Interview-8

3.4 Procedure-8

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion-9

4.1 Results and Discussion on Questionnaires-10

4.2 Results and Discussion on Interview-13

Chapter 5 Conclusion-14

5.1 Major Findings-14

5.2 Implication-14

5.3 Limitation of Present Study-15



