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Abstract: Women in Love is usually considered to be an influential masterpiece in English literature and the very representative of Lawrence’s highest achievement in novel creation. This paper tends to analyze the novel in light of ecofeminism and explore ecofeminism in this novel as well as Lawrence’s unique contribution of ecofeminism. Lawrence criticizes the damage of capitalist industrialization on nature and man’s oppression on woman through the depiction of a British industrial town and four main characters and expresses his wishes of establishing a harmonious relationship between human and nature as well as man and woman, which prove to be even more precious in this modern society. 


  Key words: Women in Love; ecofeminism; man and nature; man and woman; equality and harmony





1. Introduction-1

1.1 About D. H. Lawrence-1

1.2 About Women in Love-2

1.3 Literature Review-3

2. The Theory of Ecofeminism-4

2.1 Definition of Ecofeminism-4

2.2 Key Concepts of Ecofeminism-5

3. Analysis of Ecofeminism in Women in Love-8

3.1 The Harmonious Relationship Between Women and Nature-8

3.2 The Conflicting Relationship Between Men and Nature-10

3.3 The Complicated Relationship Between Men and Women-14

4. Conclusion-17

