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Abstract: International advertising translation is of great significance in internationalizing of China’s enterprises and opening global market for made -in -China products under the circumstance of globalization of world economy. Advertising translation is the outcome of the development of global economy. The importance of international advertising translation is strengthened by globalization and economic integration. With the development of China’s market economy and economic exchanges, the English translation of Chinese advertising is becoming more and more essential. 

In this paper, through the examples of some C-E advertising translation mainly around the pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure, and then puts forward two strategies to avoid such failures.


Key words: advertising translation; pragmatic failure; pragmalinguistic failure; sociopragmatic failure; domestication; creative translation 





1. Introduction-1

2. Theoretical Background-3

2.1 The Definition of Pragmatic Failure-3

2.2 Pragmalinguistic Failure and Sociopragmatic Failure-5

2.2.1. Pragmalinguistic Failure-5

2.2.2.Sociopragmatic Failure-6

3. Three Pragmalinguistic Failures in C-E Advertisements Translation-7

3.1 Transference of Pragmatic Rules-7

3.2 Transference of Pragmatic Meaning-9

3.3 Overgeneralization of Pragmatic Rules-11

4. Two Sociopragmatic Failures in C-E Advertisements Translation-13

4.1 Difference of Associative Meanings-13

4.2 Transference of Social Values-15

5. Strategies for Avoiding Pragmatic Failures in C-E Advertisements Translation-16

5.1 Application of Domestication-16

5.2 Application of Creative Translation-17

6. Conclusion-19

