
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract: Since the policy of reform and opening up, China has been communicating with world frequently. To overcome the lingual barrier and shorten the distance between China and other countries, domestic news reporters and translators began to reflect on the approach of translating political neologisms with Chinese characteristics, delivering message from China in an effective and accurate way. This paper investigates the English translation on news phrase under the guidance of the function plus loyalty theory proposed by Christiane Nord. Collecting data from A Dictionary of New Chinese Phrase in English, the dictionary of C-E translation of political neologisms from China Daily, this paper analyzes the translation brief, source text analysis and translation problem of political neologisms from perspective of function plus loyalty. The results of the present study deepen our understanding of the features and translation dilemma of political neologisms, and summarize translation strategies to provide insights for future English news writing.


Key words: function plus loyalty; English translation; political neologisms; translation strategy






1.1-Political Neologisms-1

1.2-Study at Home and Abroad-2

1.3-Data Collection-4

1.4-Organization of the Paper-4

2.-Function plus Loyalty Theory-6

2.1.1-Translation Brief-7

2.1.2-Source Text Analysis-8

2.1.3-The Classification and Hierarchy of Translation Problem-8

3.-English Translation of Political Neologisms from the Perspective of Function plus Loyalty Theory-9

3.1-Theoretical Analysis of Neologisms Translation-10

3.1.1-Translation Brief and Source Text Analysis-10

3.1.2-Translation Problem of Neologisms Translation-12

3.2-Translation Strategy from Perspective of Function plus Loyalty-15



3.2.3-Free Translation-19

3.2.4-Literal Translation-20


