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1. Introduction-1

1.1 An Overview of Humor in Sitcoms-1

1.2 Subtitle Translation Studies at Home and Abroad-2

1.3 Introduction of the Sitcom The Big Bang Theory-4

1.4 Organization of the Paper-5

2. Skopos Theory and its Rules-6

2.1 The Development of Skopos Theory-6

2.2 The Rules of Skopos Theory-6

2.2.1 Skopos Rule-7

2.2.2 Coherence Rule-7

2.2.3 Fidelity Rule-7

3. Translation Strategies for Humor in Subtitle of The Big Bang Theory-8

3.1 Domestication and Foreignization-8

3.1.1 Domestication-8

3.1.2 Foreignization-10

3.2 Literal Translation and Free Translation-12

3.2.1 Literal Translation-12

3.2.2 Free Translation-13

3.3 Addition and Reduction-15

3.3.1 Addition-15

3.3.2 Reduction-17

3.4 Explanatory Translation-18

4. Conclusion and Implications-22

