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Abstract: Charles Dickens is one of the famous British novelists in the 19th century. His novels profoundly show us the true picture of the bourgeois society. Most of the literature scholars and critics focus on his creative ideas in realism. However, Dickens is not only a great realist writer, but also a genius on romantic creation. For instance, his most successful novel, Great Expectations, has received widespread attention in the literary field. By describing Pip, the hero of Great Expectations, and his back to nature. The novel reflects the desire for returning to village life. The author’s imagination, which featured creativity and sympathy, is a significant feature of romantic in Great Expectations. By analyzing the Great Expectations, the dissertation is aiming to find its romantics features, to enhance our understanding of his creative thinking and to broaden the artistic research of his novels.  


Key words: romanticism; nature; return to nature; imagination





1. Introduction-1

2. Background of Romanticism-1

2.1 The Concept of Romanticism-1

2.2 The Features of Romanticism-3

2.2.1 Nature-3

2.2.2 Imagination-5

3. Celebration of Nature-6

3.1 Joe and Biddy--the Noble Savages-6

3.2 Nature Descriptions in Great Expectations-9

3.3 Pip’s Experiences--The Journey of Return to Nature-11

4. Imagination in Fantasy-12

4.1 A Key to Imagination--Creativity-12

4.2 Sympathetic Imagination-16

5. Conclusion-19

