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Abstract: Family education,as a cultural phenomenon that parents and other family members have an influence on their children’s growth, profoundly reflects the cultural connotations. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother written by Amy chou, which is about the experience of raising her daughters, causes hot discussion both in China and America. This paper analyzes the differences between China and America in the aspects of the aims, ideas, modes and results of family education, and attempts to explore the cultural factors leading to the differences. The study summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of family education in the two countries so as to make some contribution to the family education in China.

Key words: Battle Hymn of Tiger mother; family education; cultural differences






2.-Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother-1

2.1.-“Tiger Mother” Amy Chua and Her Family-2

2.2.-Previous study of Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother-3

3.-Differences between Chinese and American Family Education in Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother-4

3.1.-Differences in the Aims of Family Education-4

3.2.-Differences in the ideas of Family Education-5

3.3.-Differences in the Modes of Family Education-7

3.4.-Differences in the Results of Family Education-8

4.-Culture Factors Leading to the Differences in Family Education-9

4.1.-Family Relationships-9

4.1.1.-Authority VS. Friends-10

4.1.2.-Strict Rules VS. Freedom-12

4.2.-Cultural Value Orientations-14

4.2.1.-Family Group interest VS. Individual Consciousness-14

4.2.2.-Pursuit of Fame and fortune-15


