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Abstract: The princesses of the Prince and the Frog,Brave and Frozen are the best mode. The princess of Prince and the Frog pursues her dream bravely. She has her own enterprise and affection eventually. The story of Brave negates the traditional mode that Princess must fall in love with prince. The princesses of Frozen rescue themselves,breaking the mode that male saves female all the time. This paper is based on these works analyzing character setting, self-realization and marriage. It advocates females depend on themselves, achieving the goals of independence, equality and freedom。


Key words: feminism;Disney princesses;character setting;self-realization;marriage





1. Introduction-1

2. Origin and Development of Feminism-2

3. Characher Setting in the Movies-4

3.1 Firm and Indomitable Tiana-5

3.2 Bold and Unconstrained Merida-6

3.3 Mighty and Gentle Elsa-8

4. Self-realization of the Princesses-10

4.1 Princess Beginning Enterprise-10

4.2 Princess Safeguarding Homeland-11

5. The Development of Emotion in the Movies-14

5.1 The First Stage: Longing for Marriage-15

5.2 The Second Stage: Escaping from Marriage-16

5.3 The Third Stage: Neglecting Marriage-17

6. Conclusion-19

References 21
