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Abstract: Vague language, as an inherent property of language, exists in our daily conversation extensively. Vague language enhances the flexibility of political news and delivers specific purpose of political news. In light of Jef Verschueren’s adaptation theory, the present study collects diplomatic political news from China Daily in the year of 2015. The present study explores pragmatic functions of vague language in English political news in China Daily and discusses the role and functions of the vague languages in political news. The study concludes that the existence of political vague language is the result of choice-making which adapts to mental world, physical world and social world of both reporters and readers. Moreover, the use of vague language helps to create harmonious atmosphere, protect news medium and make the political news more flexible.


Key words: vague language; adaptation theory; political language; China Daily





1. Introduction-1

1.1 An Overview of Vague Language-1

1.2 Purposes of the study-3

1.3 Research Methods and Data Collection-3

1.4 Organization of the Paper-4

2. Theoretical Framework-4

2.1 Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory-4

2.2 Components of Adaptation Theory-5

2.2.1 Choice-making-5

2.2.2 Variability, Negotiability, Adaptability-6

2.3 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability-7

3. Analysis of Vague Language in English Political News from China Daily-9

3.1 Adaptability of Pragmatic Vagueness in Political News-9

3.1.1 Adaptation to the Mental world-9

3.1.2 Adaptation to the Physical World-14

3.1.3 Adaptation to the Social World-18

3.2 Functions of Vague Language in Political news-21

3.2.1 Creating harmonious atmosphere-21

3.2.2 Self-protecting-22

3.2.3 Shedding off responsibilities-23

3.2.4 Deliberately Withholding Information-24

4. Conclusion-26

