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Abstract: Emily Bronte, one of the Bronte sisters, is not only the distinguished female novelist in the 19th century in Britain, but also an excellent poet. And the wildness, love and death become the major subjects of her creation and the poetic themes. Therefore, most of her poems are not only filled with the real and delicate descriptions, but also present the unique thinking of wildness, love and death. This paper proposes to explore the themes of wildness, love and death through the social and domestic environment in her time.


Key words: Emily Bronte; poetic theme; wildness; love; death





1. Introduction-1

 1.1 Emily Bronte and the Social Situation in Her Time-1

 1.2 Previous Studies on Emily Bronte's Novel and Poetry-2

 1.3 The Perspective and the Main Contents of this Paper-3

2. Wildness-5

 2.1 Wild Surroundings-5

 2.2 Pursuit of Liberty-5

 2.3 Love of Nature-8

3. Love-12

 3.1 Love and Marriage-12

 3.2 Pursuit of Love-13

 3.3 Lost of Love-15

4. Death-18

 4.1 Death and Life-18

 4.2 Transcendence of Death-18

 4.3 Revolt of Death-21

5. Conclusion-24

