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Abstract: Being the prototypical female writer on black literature from the Harlem Renaissance, Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) is a great novelist, folklorist, and anthropologist in America. Her masterpiece Their Eyes Were Watching God mainly depicts the black woman Janie’s whole life of fighting against the restrain of traditional conventions, pursuing the realization of a valuable life, and successfully creates a black woman who is brave enough to search for her own identity in the society dominated by the white and male.  In the novel, the marriage is the most important element for her progress. After undergoing three marriages, Janie gradually gets rid of obstacles on her way to self-realization, and finally becomes a woman equipped with a mature feminist consciousness and accomplishes her journey to self-fulfillment.


Key words: Hurston; feminism; Their Eyes Were Watching God





1. Introduction-1

1.1 An Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston and Their Eyes Were Watching God-1

1.2 Literature Review-2

1.3 Synopsis of Feminism-4

2. Women’s Suppression by Parents, Men and Themselves-6

2.1 Enforced Marriage Conception by Parents-6

2.2 Discourse Power Suppressed by Men-8

2.3 Weak Female Consciousness of Black Women-10

3. Women’s Struggle for Self-realization-12

3.1 Pursuit for Social Status-12

3.1.1 Struggle for Economic Independence-13

3.1.2 Demand for the Discourse Power-14

3.2 Rebellion in Sexual Relations-16

3.2.1 Desire for Gender Equality-16

3.2.2 Pursuit for True Love-18


