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Abstract: Naipaul is the most prominent migrant writer in England. Crowned of the laurel of Nobel Prize in Literature in 2001, Naipaul is almost known all over the world. But his multi-cultural background forces him to seek his identity painfully. The Enigma of Arrival, an autobiography which is labeled as his most important work at the later period records a cultural traveler’s struggle on identity in post-colonial society. Hence, this paper, from the perspective of the identity, based on the life experience in The Enigma of Arrival, studies V.S Naipaul’s cultural identity seeking journey. During this process, Naipaul travels through “two worlds” and “multi-cultures”, and his cultural identity is also trapped into the awkward state. He constructs while destroys, accepts while suspects. Finally he locates his identity at the third space, which has compromise flavor but for post-colonial writers, the only way to get rid of the identity crisis.

Key words: V.S Naipaul; The Enigma of Arrival; identity, dislocation; The Third Space





1. Introduction-1

1.1 About the Writer and His Works-1

1.2 Related Research at Home and Abroad-2

1.3 Introduction to Identity Concept-3

2. Naipaul’s Failure at Identity Location-5

2.1 The “Diasporaer” of Trinidadian “Medley Culture”-5

2.2 The “Wanderer” of Indian “Mother Culture”-7

2.3 The “Outsider” of English “Adopted Mother Culture”-8

3. Naipaul’s Persistence at Identity Seeking Journey-9

3.1 Journey Back to Mother Culture-10

3.1.1 Modification of Trinidadian View-10

3.1.2 Touching the Real India-13

3.2 Deconstruction of Englishness-14

3.2.1 Englishness’ Complex-15

3.2.2 Demystification of English Culture-16

4. Arrival at “The Third Space”-18

4.1 The Reconcilement of The Self in the Past and at Present-19

4.2 Acceptance Hybridity at “The Third Space”-20

5. Conclusion-22

