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Abstract: Toni Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye depicts the cultural invasion from the white to the black by describing a black girl’s story, whose name is Pecola. And it uncovers the white culture’s hegemony and loss of identity of the black as well as their self-hatred and shame of origin. It also condemns colonialism and its cruel behavior. Toni Morrison tries to awaken the black’s self-awareness and build up the black nation’s dignity and confidence. This paper attempts to analyze the way the white use to put the hegemony into effect and the consequence to the black.


Key words: The Bluest Eye; post-colonialism; culture hegemony





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Toni Morrison and Her Works-1

1.2 The Bluest Eye-2

2. Postcolonial Theory-2

3. Previous Studies on The Bluest Eye-4

4. The White Culture Hegemony over the Black in The Bluest Eye-6

4.1 Cultural Hegemony through Education-6

4.2 Cultural Hegemony through Media-8

4.3 Cultural Hegemony through Religion-9

5. Harm of the White Cultural Hegemony in The Bluest Eye-10

5.1 Loss of Identity of the Black-10

5.2 Self-hatred of the Black-12

5.3 Shame of Origin-15

6. Conclusion-16

7. References-17
