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Abstract: Under the framework of Eco-translatology theory, the author, by taking 300 Tang Poems of Xu Yuanchong’s translation as a case, probes into Xu Yuanchong’s numeral translation in Tang poems from the Process of Adaptation and Selection. Based on Eco-translatology theory, the paper analyzes Xu Yuachong’s selective adaptation to internal needs, external needs and his competence; meanwhile, Xu Yuanchong’s adaptive selection on linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension are discussed. Thus, the study is of great significance in cross-cultural translation and it is instructive to the translation of Tang poems and ancient poetries.


Key words: Eco-translatology; adaptation and selection; Tang poems; numeral translation; Xu Yuanchong





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Numerals in Xu Yuanchong’s Translation of 300 Tang Poems-1

1.2 Version Selection of Xu Yuanchong’s Translation of 300 Tang Poems-1

1.3 Studies on Numeral Translation-2

2. Eco-translatology Theory-3

2.1 Overview of Eco-translatology Theory-4

2.2 Key Concepts of Eco-translatology Theory-4

2.2.1 Translational Eco-environment-5

2.2.2 Translation as Adaptation and Selection Process-5

2.2.3 Three-dimensional Transformations-6

3. Xu Yuanchong’s Selective Adaptation to Translational Eco-environment-7

3.1 Adaptation to Needs-7

3.1.1 Internal Environment Needs-8

3.1.2 External Environment Needs-9

3.2 Adaptation to Translator’s Competence-10

4. Xu Yuanchong’s Adaptive Selection in Translating Numerals in 300 Tang Poems-13

4.1 Xu Yuanchong’s Selection of Numeral Translation Strategies-13

4.1.1 Xu Yuanchong’s Poetry Translation Principles Relating Numerals-13

4.1.2 Other Numeral Translation Methods-15

4.2 Xu Yuanchong’s Selection on Three-dimensional Transformations-16

4.2.1 The Selection in Linguistic Dimension-16

4.2.2 The Selection in Cultural Dimension-20

4.2.3 The Selection in Communicative Dimension-23

5. Conclusion-26

