
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract:This paper starts with a general study of Chinese catchwords chosen from in the recent ten years. Chinese Internet catchwords have been flooding into our life since the evolution of networking, and they are kind of special language variants beyond semantic features of cultural connotation. Therefore,the translation of Chinese Internet catchwords and its limitation become a new probe point. However, untranslatability does not generally mean that two kinds of languages cannot be translated, but refer to the exactness of translation. That is to say, translatability and untranslatability are a pair of relative notions. Both of which express the basic function of language and will change and develop. In this article, the detailed factors for untranslatability are discussed from culture and language aspects. Furthermore, the paper also summarizes some proper rules and skills of translating Chinese Internet catchwords for motivating learning and intercultural communication.


Key words: Chinese Internet catchwords;translation;untranslatability;translation strategies






1.1A General Study of Chinese Internet Catchwords-7

1.2The Research of Internet Catchwords at Home and Abroad-8

2. Untranslatability of Chinese Internet Catchwords-9

2.1About Untranslatability-9

2.1.1The Theory of Translatability and Untranslatability-9

2.1.2 Causes of Untranslatability-11

2.2Two Factors Causing Untranslatability of Chinese Internet Catchwords-12

2.2.1Language Differences-12

2.2.2 Cultural Differences-14

3. Proper Translation Strategies Countering in Chinese Internet Catchwords-16

3.1Literal Translation-17

3.2Free Translation-18

3.3Blending Translation-18

3.4Back Translation-20

3.5Substitution Translation-21

4. Conclusion-22

