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Abstract: Wuthering Heights is a great novel which tells a strong and tortuous love story between the hero Heathcliff and the heroine Catherine, also Heathcliff’s crazy revenge after the loss of love. Throughout the novel, there are three major writing features in it, namely, the application of symbolism, the application of contrast and the use of Gothic elements. This paper aims to analyze the three writing features to make readers have more comprehensive and thorough understanding about the real charm of the novel. The paper further studies the artistic effects of the three writing features. 


  Key words: Wuthering Heights; symbolism; contrast; Gothic elements





1.  Introduction-6

2.-The Application of Symbolism-8

2.1 Weather-8

2.2 Moon-9

2.3 Window-10

3.-The Application of Contrast-12

3.1 Nature and Culture-12

3.2 Love and Hate-14

3.3 Life and Death-15

4.-The Use of Gothic Elements-17

4.1 Supernatural-17

4.2 Character with Dual Personality-18

4.3 The Patriarchal Suppression of Female Characters and Their Struggle-19


