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Abstracts: With the rapid development of economy and the increasing international trade activities, more and more people are needed in the society with fluent Business English. As a means of rhetorical devices, metaphor is very common in spoken and written language. It carries different cultural connotation and has a pivotal position in the communication. Metaphor is very common in Business English and has particularity in business communication. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the role of metaphor in Business English and its features and translation techniques combined with vivid and specific examples. It summarizes the practical value of study of Business English translation of metaphor.


Key Words: Business English; metaphor; translation





1. Introduction-1

2. Brief Introduction of Business English-1

2.1 Background of Business English-2

2.2 The Features of Business English-3

3. Metaphor and Its Universality-3

3.1 The Definition and Its Effects-4

3.2 Universality of Metaphor-5

3.3 The Features of Metaphor-6

3.4 The Classification of Metaphor-8

4. Metaphors and Business English-8

4.1 Culture Backgrounds of Metaphors and Business English-9

4.2 Metaphor Classification in Business English-10

4.3 Metaphor Function in Business English-10

4.4 Metaphor Translation and Cognitive Linguistics-11

5. Discussion of Metaphor Translation in Business English-12

5.1 Translation Analysis-13

5.2 Translation Difficulties-14

5.3 Translation Methods-15

5.4 Translation Principles-17

6. Conclusion-18

