
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract: Interest is the best teacher and the key to learning a foreign language well. Inspiring students’ interests is an important task in English teaching. Recently, with the development of Chinese quality education, game teaching is considered to be one of the most effective ways to inspire students’ interest in learning English. This paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of traditional teaching method and game teaching, finds that game teaching is better than traditional teaching method in semantic recognition and pronunciation while traditional teaching method is better than game teaching in form recognition. Based on these findings, this paper provides some suggestions for English teaching in primary school. 

Key words: game teaching; traditional teaching method; interest; English teaching in primary school






2.Traditional Teaching Method and Game Teaching-1

2.1 Game Teaching  -2

2.2 Traditional Teaching Method-7

3. This Study-11

3.1 Study Purpose-11

3.2 Participants and Material -11

3.3 Procedures-11

3.4 Data Collection and Analysis-13

4 Discussion-18

5.Suggestions -20


