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Abstract: Ecocriticism, a theory to criticize the various ecological problems, is attracting more and more scholars’ attention, who have enlarged this theory into other different areas. Including nature, society, spirits, even economy etc,. Common people also realize the significance of Ecocriticism towards human existence and further development. In this paper, The Rainbow, D.H. Lawrence’s masterpiece, will be interpreted in the viewpoint of Ecocriticism, from the natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology respectively. After the analysis, enlightenment from this novel will be discussed and the strategies will be summarized, which will be used for solving the ecological problems in reality. 


Key words: Ecocriticism; The Rainbow, Enlightenment; Strategies






1.1 Development of Ecocriticism-1

1.2 D.H. Lawrence’s Viewpoints on Ecocriticism-3

2. Ecocritical Interpretation of The Rainbow-5

2.1 Conflicts in Three Generations-5

2.2 Analysis on The Rainbow from Natural Ecology-6

2.3 Analysis on The Rainbow from Social Ecology-9

2.4 Analysis on The Rainbow from Spiritual Ecology-12

3. Reflection of Ecocriticism in The Rainbow-13

3.1 Ecological Problems in Reality-13

3.2 Strategies to Dealing with the Ecological Problems-14

3.3 Impacts to Our Life-17

4. Conclusion-17

