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Abstract: Business English letters are playing increasingly important role in business transactions.A good letter can achieve communicative effect while a bad letter can break the deal.This paper aims to study the pragmatic failure in business letters from the perspective of adaptation theory.First,the adaptation theory is introduced;second, pragmatic failure from the perspective of adaptation theory is identified;third, strategies to correct pragmatic failures are proposed. 


Key words: pragmatic failure; business English letters; Adaptation Theory; coping strategies





1. Introduction-1

1.1Business English Letters-1

1.1.1Definition and Classifications of Business English Letters-1

1.1.2Basic Principle for Business English Letters Writing-2

1.2The Adaptation Theory-3

1.2.1Concept of Adaptation Theory-3

1.2.2Making Linguistic Choices-4

1.2.3Four Aspects of Adaptability-5

1.3Pragmatic Failure-6

1.3.1Views of Pragmatic Failure-6

1.3.2 Classification of Pragmatic Failure-7

2. Pragmatic Failure in Business English Letters from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory-9

2.1Failure to Make Adaptation to Linguistic Context-9

2.1.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Lexicon of Business English Letters-9

2.1.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Syntax of Business English Letters-10

2.1.3 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Discourse of Business English Letters-12

2.2Failure to Make Adaptation to Culture-14

2.2.1 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Modifier of Business English Letters-14

2.2.2 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Voice of Business English Letters-15

2.2.3 Failure to Make Adaptation to the Tone of Business English -16

3. Strategies to Correct Pragmatic Failure-16

3.1 Strengthening  Intercultural  Awareness  and  Intercultural Sensitivities-17

3.2Developing Cultural Empathy-18

3.3 Developing Cultural Adaptation-19

3.4Developing Pragmatic Competence-20

4. Conclusion-21

