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Abstract: Translation of rhetorical devices is a vital part in translation study. Rhetorical devices, which have been popular used in various literatures, vivify characters, enrich expressions and stimulate spectators’ imagination. As a significant part of literature, drama is endowed with the features of both literariness and performanbility. And at the same time, the use of rhetorical devices is quite popular in the drama and thus makes it quite difficult to be translated. Owing to these reasons, we introduce the relevance theory to the translation of rhetorical devices in the drama. In this paper, Yu Guangzhong’ Chinese translation of Oscar Wilde’s drama The Importance of Being Earnest is studied from the perspective of relevance theory.


Key Words: rhetorical devices; translation; drama; relevance theory; The Importance of Being Earnest





1. Introduction-1

2. Rhetorical Devices-2

2.1 Definition of Rhetorical Devices-2

2.2 Classification of Rhetorical Devices-2

3. Relevance Theory-3

3.1-Principles of Relevance Theory-4

3.2 Feasibility of Relevance Theory in Translation Study-4

4. Translation of Rhetorical Devices in The Importance of Being Earnest from Relevance Theory-5

4.1 An Overview of The Importance of Being Earnest and its Chinese Version-5

4.2 Translation of Rhetorical Devices in The Importance of Being Earnest-6

4.2.1 Allusion-6

4.2.2 Antithesis-8

4.2.3 Irony-9

4.2.4 Metaphor-11

4.2.5 Paradox-13

4.2.6 Parody-14

4.2.7 Pun-16

4.2.8 Repetition-18

5. Conclusion-19

