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Abstract: Jack London is one of the most famous American writers of the early twentieth century and is the most popular writer of that era. Among his many works, White Fang has attracted great attention in academic field since it was published in 1906. Many of Jack London’s novels are influenced by Darwin’s popular ideas, particularly White Fang. Corpus linguistics is a newly appeared subject. The corpus software has various functions such as concordance, sampling, analysis and statistics, which can provide important rational basis in analyzing literary works. This paper  attempts to study the theme White Fang and aims at exploring Jack London’s interpretation of Darwin's Evolution theory in White Fang by applying corpus retrieval software. 


Key words: White Fang; Darwin's Evolution theory;corpus






1.1 Introduction for the Author and the Text-1

1.2 Introduction for Darwin's Evolution Theory-2

2.-The analysis of the novel through Corpus Software-3

2.1The Context of Novel-4

2.2 The Plot Development and main characters of Novel-5

3.-Darwin's Evolution theory illustrated in the novel-9

3.1 “Struggle for Existence” Illustrated in the Novel-9

3.2 “Genetic Variation” Illustrated in the Novel-12

3.3 “ Survival of the Fittest” Illustrated in the Novel-14


