
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract: Animation as the one of the cultural transmission carriers plays an important role. However, the standstill of domestic animation cannot coincide with the Chinese long historic culture, which should arouse people’s attention. As the soul of the animation, animation characters carry the core spirit of nation as well as the result of the animation work while a successful one can not only root in the heart but also develop into an everlasting industrial brand commodity. In this thesis, Sun Wukong and Mickey Mouse will be compared to analyze the deficiencies of promoting domestic animation characters. The author will take an example of the successful Mickey Mouse abroad and summarize the measures to promote the world’s diversity.


Key words: animation characters; Sun Wukong; Mickey Mouse; comparison; cultural transmission





1. Introduction and Previous Studies-1

1.1 Previous Studies on Domestic Animation-1

1.2 Previous Studies on Sun Wukong-2

1.3 Previous Studies on Mickey Mouse-2

1.4 Deficiencies of Previous Studies-3

2. Deficiencies in Promoting Domestic Animation Characters: A Contrastive Perspective between Sun Wukong and Mickey Mouse-4

2.1 Dificiencies of Originality-4

2.2 Preference of Sermon-8

2.3 Lack of Relevant Conceptions in Chinese Culture-10

2.4 Fail of Cultural Transmission-11

3. Countermeasures in Promoting Domestic Animation Characters-13

3.1 Completing the Image of Domestic Animation Characters-13

3.2 Combining with Other Cultrual Carriers-15

3.3 Developing Other Mearsures-16

3.4 Gaining Support from Government-17

4. Conclusion-18

