
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract: Ah Q Zheng Zhuan is the masterpiece of Lu Xun. The two English translations are The True Story of Ah Q by Yang Xianyi and his wife Gladys Yang and The Real Story of Ah-Q by Julia Lovell. This paper makes a comparative study on the translation of culture-loaded terms in two English translations from the perspective of Skopos theory. The Yangs and Lovell have different translation purposes. So while translating the culture-loaded terms in Ah Q Zheng Zhuan, the Yangs and Lovell adopt different translation strategies, in order to achieve their different purposes. 


Key words: Skopos theory; Ah Q Zheng Zhuan; culture-loaded terms; translation purpose; translation strategy





1. Introduction-1

2. Skopos Theory-2

2.1 The Concept of Skopos Theory and Translation Brief-2

2.2 The Basic Rules of Skopos Theory-4

2.3 The Significance of Skopos Theory-5

3. Ah Q Zheng Zhuan and Its Translations-6

3.1 Introduction to Ah Q Zheng Zhuan-6

3.2 Introductions to the Two Versions-7

3.2.1 The Yangs’ The True Story of Ah Q-7

3.2.2 Julia Lovell’s The Real Story of Ah-Q-7

4. A Comparative Analysis of the Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in the Two English Versions from the Perspective of Skopos Theory-8

4.1 The Skopos of the Two Versions-8

4.1.1 The Skopos of the Yang’s The True Story of Ah Q-8

4.1.2 The Skopos of Julia Lovell’s The Real Story of Ah-Q-9

4.2-A Comparative Analysis of the Translation of Culture-loaded Terms in the Two Versions-10

4.2.1 Social Culture-loaded Terms-11

4.2.2 Linguistic Culture-loaded Terms-12

4.2.3 Material Culture-loaded Terms-14

4.2.4 Religious Culture-loaded Terms-15

4.2.5 Ecological Culture-loaded Terms-16

5. Conclusion-18

