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Abstract:Pygmalion is one of the most influential works of Bernard Shaw’s works.  Shaw is a well-known advocate of feminism in the western world. He sympathizes with women’s unfair treatments, thus lots of his works show women’s intelligence, independence and desire for equality between men and women. This thesis explores feminism in Pygmalion from the view of career, love and marriage of heroine and other female characters. Both internal and external factors leading to their view of love, marriage and career are also discussed.


Key words:Pygmalion; feminism; view of career; view of love; view of marriage





1.-Introduction and Previous Studies-1

1.1-Introduction of Pygmalion-1

1.2-The Social Background of Shaw’s Creation-1

1.3-Previous Studies on Shaw’s Dramas-2

1.4-Deficiencies of Previous Studies-3

2.-Overview of Feminism Theory-4

2.1-Definition of Feminism-4

2.2-Shaw’s Feminist Thoughts-6

3.-Analysis of Feminism in Pygmalion-8

3.1-View of Career-9

3.2-View of Love-13

3.3-View of Marriage-15

3.4-Other Females’ Images-16

3.5-Attitudes of Men towards Women-17


