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Abstract: The aim of English application letters is to promote oneself and get an interview. The interpretation of textual and cognitive structure of application letters can help us understand an idiomatic English application letter. Based on the analysis of 15 English job application letters written by Chinese university students, the present study has analyzed the move patterns and generic structure potential from the perspective of genre analysis. Because college students generally lack work experience, job application letters written by Chinese students differ from other application letters in structure. Besides, their writing style is not in line with the norms of English application letter. 

Key words: English job application letter; genre analysis; move; generic structure potential





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Conceptual Definition of Genre Analysis-1

1.2 Studies of Application Letters at Home and Abroad-3

1.3 Organization of the Paper-5

2. Theoretical Framework-5

2.1 Overview of Genre Analysis-6

2.2 Bhatia’s Move Patterns-7

2.3 Hasan’s Generic Structure Potential Model-8

3. Genre Analysis of Application Letters of Chinese Undergraduates-10

3.1 Move Pattern Analysis-11

3.1.1 Contexts of Move Patterns-11

3.1.2 Obligatory Moves and Optional Moves-13

3.2 Generic Structure Potential Analysis-14

3.2.1 Contexts of Generic Structure-14

3.2.2 Obligatory Structures and Optional Structures-18

4. Conclusion-19


