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Abstract: George Orwell is known as the greatest political writer in English of the 20th century. He uses his fictions to defend his political convictions. Animal Farm counts one of the most powerful weapons in his literary works. In this fiction, George Orwell describes a revolution among domestic animals. This paper aims to study the defamiliarization theory in Animal Farm in the aspects of the leading roles, language and the ending. It studies from the perspective of the integration of the defamiliarization theory and these aspects to make this book different and remarkable. 


  Key words: Animal Farm; defamiliarization; leading roles; language; ending





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Review of Animal Farm-1

1.2 Defamiliarization Theory-5

2. Defamiliarization Reflected in Leading Characters-6

2.1 Pigs-6

2.2 The Donkey-7

3. Defamiliarization Reflected in Language-9

3.1 Figures of Speech-9

3.2 Rhyme-12

4. Defamiliarization Reflected in the Ending-14

5. Conclusion-15

