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Abstract: The report and interpretation of news media is a key force in shaping a country’s nation image in the world. As a world renowned international broadcaster, BBC has long been seen as one of the most respected media in the globe, and therefore the study of the BBC reports about China has its theoretical and realistic significance. This paper analyzes the BBC report about China from 2014 to 2016, from the perspective of the quantity of reports, reports content and reporting attitude, and thus makes the conclusion about China’s nation image from political, economic, social and other aspects. It is found that the overall shape of Chinese image tends to be objective, but it is absolutely admitted that negative image is also included. In the conclusion of this paper, by analyzing the findings of the research, it attempts to find out how BBC illustrates China’s nation image in the international communication world especially in British main stream media, so that we can have a better knowledge about China’s nation image.

Key words: China’s nation image; BBC report; Data-based analysis method





1. Introduction-1

1.1-Nation Image and its Importance-1

1.2 China’s Nation Image-2

1.3 Previous Studies-3

2. Analysis of BBC Reports about China-7

2.1 Analysis on Quantity about China-7

2.2 Analysis on Topics about China-7

2.3 Analysis on Attitude toward China-9

2.4 Summary-9

3. Nation Image of China Reflected in BBC Reports in 2014---2016-11

3.1 Economic Image-11

3.2 Political Image-14

3.3 Cultural Image-17

3.4 Social Image-20

3.5 Ecological Image-21

3.6 Military and Diplomatic Image-22

3.7 Summary-23

4. Conclusion-25

