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Abstract: Sons and Lovers, one of David Herbert Lawrence’s masterpieces, is placed on the list of 100 best novels of the twentieth century in U. K. The author tries to use Lacan’s Mirror Stage Theory to discuss Paul’s pursuit of self in order to reveal the truth that when we pursue the perfect image in the eyes of others’, it is much more important to follow our own need and find the real self.


Key Words: Sons and Lovers; David Herbert Lawren; Lacan’s Mirror Stage Theory; Paul’s pursuit of self





1. Introduction-1

1.1 About D. H. Lawrence and Sons and Lovers-1

1.2 Literature Review-4

1.3 An Overview of Lacan’s Mirror Stage Theory-5

2.The Pre-Mirror Stage --- The “Formation” of Paul’s Self-6

2.1 Through His Mother-6

2.2 Through the Living Circumstance-8

3.The Mirror Stage --- The Pursuit of Paul’s Self-10

3.1 The Pursuit through Miriam-10

3.2 The Pursuit through Clara-13

3.3 The Realization of Paul-15

4. Conclusion-18

