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Abstract: Since the theory of vague language was put forward in 1960s, scholars have carried out much descriptive study of vague language from the semantic point of view. People usually think that the language of both sides in business negotiation must be concise and clear, in order to avoid negotiations impasse or cause unnecessary disputes. So the study of vague language in business negotiation has been neglected. In fact, vague language is widely used in business negotiation. This paper attempts to analyze the types of vague language and its pragmatic functions in business negotiation. Firstly, the paper discusses the types of vague language in business negotiation, and then analyzes the six pragmatic functions of vague language, which contributes to promote business negotiation. Finally, it analyzes the negative effects of improper uses of vague language in business negotiation and puts forward that vague language should be neither ignored nor exaggerated.


 Key words: vague language; business negotiation; types; pragmatic functions 





1. Introduction-1

2. Major Types of Vague Language in Business Negotiation-1

2.1 Approximators-1

2.1.1 Vague Language on Quality of the Goods-1

2.1.2 Vague Language on Price of the Goods-2

2.1.3 Vague Language on Time-3

2.1.4 Other Approximators-4

2.2 Shields-6

2.2.1 Plausibility Shields-6

2.2.2 Attribution Shields-7

3. Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in Business Negotiation-8

3.1 Positive Roles of Vague Language in Business Negotiation-9

3.1.1 Creating Harmonious Atmosphere-10

3.1.2 Achieving Politeness-11

3.1.3 Being Self-protecting-12

3.1.4 Being Flexible and Tactful-13

3.1.5 Avoiding or Shifting Responsibility-15

3.1.6 Avoiding Contradiction-15

3.2 Negative Roles of Vague Language in Business Negotiation-16

3.2.1 Impeding Negotiation-17

3.2.2 Incurring Losses-18

3.2.3 Failing Negotiation-19

4. Conclusion-20

