
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-09
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Abstract: Beowulf is the earliest work written in old English. It is a heroical epic and the previous researches mainly focus on the heroic spirit and the text interpretation in language level. This paper analyzes social values of Germanic society in the heroic epic Beowulf. Its social values are dichotomized to positive social values and undersides through the Germanic living conditions, social institutions, religions and so on. For the bright side, heroic spirits incorporate martialism, honor and faith, pointing out that Beowulf is a unique work upholding Christianity and heroism. For the social undersides, revenge, betrayal and pessimistic determinism are elaborated and then the cruelty in the clan society is revealed.


Key words: social values; old Germanic; Beowulf; heroism; Christianity






2.-Beowulf and its Social Background-2

2.1 Main Content of Beowulf-3

2.2 Social Background of Beowulf-4

3.-Positive Social Values in Beowulf-5

3.1 Advocacy of Striving Spirit-5

3.2 Chase for Honor-8

3.3 Faith to God-9

4.-Undersides in Beowulf-12

4.1 Revenge and Killing-12

4.2 Timidity and Betrayal-14

4.3 Pessimistic Determinism-16


