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Abstract:  Metaphor is all around in our daily life, and it conveys rich sense in a vivid way. Animal idioms are mostly metaphorical, which involves abundant cultural information. The thesis introduces the definition of metaphor and animal idiom. The author puts forward five different types translation methods towards metaphorical animal idioms, including domestication, foreignization, paraphrase, annotation and de-metaphorization. In the same time, the author gives some examples for each kind of translation strategies, and puts forward some suggestions for translation of animal idioms. Use different translation style for different contexts. Be aware of the significance of cultural substitution. Be careful of equivalent words, because they are sometimes traps. 


Key words: animal idiom; metaphor; translation; E-C





1. Introduction1

1.1 Metaphors in English Idioms.1

1.2 Literature Review.1

2. Translation Methods of Metaphorical Animal Idioms.3

2.1 Domestication.3

2.2 Foreignization.5

2.3 Paraphrase7

2.4 Annotation9

2.5 De-metaphorization10

3. Suggestions for Metaphorical Animal Idioms Translation11

3.1 Different Contexts with Different Translation Styles.11

3.2 Significant Cultural Substitution12

3.3 Traps in Equivalent Words.14

4. Conclusion.16

