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Abstract: David Herbert Lawrence was a great writer in the 20th century and Sons and Lovers is one of his most influential works. This novel was based on his own experience and was a very controversial one in that times. The them of Sons and Lovers was about the relationships between the hero Paul and the three women-- his mother Gertrude Morel and his two lovers Miriam and Clara. This thesis will mainly focused on the hero Paul’s love tragedy with the two women and on the causes that led to it. 


Key words: David Herbert Lawrence; Sons and Lovers; love tragedy; causes






Chapter 1. The influence of the society and the family environment-3

1.1 the influence of the society -3

1.2 The miserable family environment-3

Chapter 2. Paul Morel’s Oedipus Complex-5

2.1 Gertrude Morel’s abnormal maternity-5

2.2 Paul’s abnormal emotion towards his mother-8

Chapter 3. The abnormal relationship between Paul and his two Lovers-11

3.1 Different beliefs and love views-11

3.2 The same flaws in Paul’s and Miriam’s character -12



