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Abstract: This thesis uses “A Rose for Emily” and “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” as texts. Under the guidance of narrative theories, feminism this thesis compares these two stories from three aspects: the narrative mode and writing technique, the protagonists and the tragedy. “A Rose for Emily” and “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” share several similarities. In this thesis, the three main chapters make a progressive illustration from structure to characters then to themes and finally make it sure that similarities do exist between two stories, and also explain the creation background as well as their social values. Even though the thesis cannot do a complete research about these two stories only in these three aspects, it is expected to provide a new viewpoint and make sense that comparisons between the two stories make it easy to understand their real artistic values.


Key Words: “A Rose for Emily”, “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”, Narrative mode, tragedy






Chapter One Narrative Mode and Writing Technique-3

1.1 Point of View-4

1.1.1 First-Person Point of View-4

1.1.2 Third-Person Point of View-6

1.2 Writing Technique-7

1.2.1 The Usage of Symbolism in "A Rose for Emily"-7

1.2.2 The Stream of Consciousness in "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"-8

Chapter2 Protagonists-9

2.1 The Pursuits of Two Protagonists-10

2.2 Loneliness of Two Protagonists-11

Chapter3 Tragedy-12

3.1 Death of Protagonists in Both Stories-12

3.2 Feminist Analysis of Protagonists’ Tragedy-13



Acknowledgments -17
