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Abstract: Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of the important works of British writer Thomas Hardy. It depicts a village girl who is chaste, kind, filial piety and tough is bullied and oppressed by the society in the Victorian Age. Through the deep thought and research of the original book, and deep analysis of Tess’ tragic life experiences. This paper is going to make a deep discussion of the reasons of Tess’ tragedy.

Then we can get the conclusion that the tragedy of Tess’ life is not only the tragedy of her personality, but also the tragedy of love and society.


   Key words: Tess of the D’Urbervilles;  Tess;  tragedy






Chapter 1. Social Background and living environment in Tess-3

1.1 The general social environment-4

1.2 The living environment of Tess-5

Chapter2 Personality of Tess-6

2.1 Tess’s chaste and credulous personality-7

2.2 Tess’s foolish filial piety-7

2.3 Tess’s tough and lofty personality-8

Chapter3 The main characters related to the tragedy in Tess-9

3.1 Tess’s selfish parents-10

3.2 the evil Alec d’Uerberville-10

3.3 Tess’s beloved husband - Angel Clare-11



