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Abstract: Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s master work the Great Gatsby vividly reveals the spiritual world of American upper class during the Great Depression. Because of this, it was regarded as one of the best English novels in the 20th century. The great success of the Great Gatsby not only depends on its profound social them, but also on its practiced techniques of expression, especially the creative use of symbolism such as the symbol of role image, various images, and colors etc. Among all of the symbols, the symbolic meanings of colors were discussed a lot, and it was the most successful part in the novel. In this paper, the symbolic meanings of colors will be analyzed through the wide use of different colors.

Key words: the Great Gatsby   Symbolism   Symbolic meanings of colors






Chapter I. Symbolic Meanings of Green6

1.1 Green in Western Culture.6

1.2 The Green Lights7

Chapter II. Symbolic Meanings of White9

2.1 White in Western Culture.9

2.2 White---Symbolic Color of Daisy10

Chapter III. Symbolic Meanings of Red11

3.1 Red in Western Culture.12

3.2 Red---Symbolic Color of Tom-12

Chapter IV. Symbolic Meanings of Blue.-13

4.1 Blue Eyes of Doctor T.J Eckleburg.-13

4.2 Blue Eyes of George B. Wilson-15



