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Abstract: The American black female author Alice Walker’s The Color Purple which focuses on the black females’ living conditions in the early 20th century in the American South. It reveals the low social position of the black females and the double oppressions they have suffered. This paper analyzes the growth of Celie who was subjected to submissions and slavery but achieves her independence with the assistance of the sisterhood and lesbianism. Celie successfully sets a new black female’s image. This paper points out that if black females want to achieve independence, they must unite to fight against the unfairness. Firstly, it mainly demonstrates the causes of Celie’s self-abnegation, namely, the discrimination of racialism, the oppression of the patriarchy society and her self-restraint. Then, it mainly analyzes the catalysts of Celie’s growth, which are the help of sisterhood and the guidance of lesbianism. Finally, it mainly clarifies the way she achieves the spiritual, economic and social independence. This paper concludes that only when the black females are united and through their own self-efforts can they achieve real independence, share the equal rights with the males and finally achieve the real growth.


Key Words: Alice Walker; The Color Purple; Growth; Independence; Black females

Key Words: Forster; Maurice; Queer Theory; “closet”






1. The Causes of Celie’s Self-abnegation-3

1.1 Oppression from Patriarchy Society-3

1.2 Self-Abnegation-5

2. Catalysts of Celie’s Growth-7

2.1 The Encouragement from Nettie-7

2.2 The Guidance from Shug-8

2.3 The Influence from Sofia-10

3. The Fulfillment of Celie’s Growth-12

3.1 Spiritual Independence-12

3.2 Economic Independence-13

3.3 Social Independence-14



