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Abstract: Religion is the dominant force to maintain order in American society. In colonial America, Puritans were the major component of immigrants. Puritanism as a religious philosophy, served as the political theory in colonial America. The core concepts it promotes have laid the foundation of American mainstream values today. It creates the national identity like pursuit of democracy, advocacy pioneering and competition, emphasis on utility and so on. The North American culture: such as the American spirit, American freedom, democracy and the American literature have been profoundly influenced by Puritanism. This paper first explores the generation and the development of the Puritanism, main thoughts the Puritans advocate and their advantages and disadvantages and the reflections of the ideas in Americans’ daily life, then, this paper analyzes the tremendous influence that the Puritanism exerts on the American mainstream culture. By learning Puritanism, we can understand American culture, know about the society and deepen the knowledge of the American national spirit.

Keywords: Puritanism; American values; Influence





Chapter 1Introduction.5

Chapter 2The Puritanism and its Development5

 2.1. The Puritanism and American Puritans 5

 2.2. Core Concepts of Puritanism.6

 2.3. The Development of Puritanism8

2.3.1. The Generation of Puritanism8

  2.3.2. The Development of Puritanism and Some Important Values.9

  2.3.3. The Decline of American Puritanism.10

Chapter 3Core Values of Americans and the Manifestations.11

  3.1. Core Values of Americans.11

 3.1.1. Individualism11

 3.1.2. Democracy and Liberalism12

 3.1.3. Pragmatism12

 3.1.4. American Dream.13

  3.2. The Main Characteristics of American Values13

 3.2.1. Secularization of Religion13

 3.2.2. Multiplicity and Openness.14

 3.2.3. Practicability.14

  3.3. The Manifestations of American Values on Social Life and Literature .14

 3.3.1. The Manifestation of Americans Values on Literature.14

 3.3.2. The Reflection of Americans Values on Social Affairs .15

Chapter 4The Profound Influence of Puritanism on American Values16

  4.1. The Spiritual Influence of Puritanism on American Values17

  4.2. The Political Influence of Puritanism on American Values.17

  4.3. The Cultural Influence of Puritanism on American Values.18

 4.4. Puritanism and American Work Ethics.19

Chapter 5Conclusion. . . . 20

  Bibliography. . . . . .21

  Acknowledgements. . . . 22
