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Abstract: Angela Carter is one of the most famous female writers with originality in the field of literature in the twentieth century. As Carter’s second novel, The Magic Toyshop tells a story about growth, life and love. Angela Carter took female’s awakening of gender identity as its focus as well as the beginning of the story. It depicts a girl’s first experience of sexual desire, evil and the psychological complications arising therefrom during her growing process. Angela Carter’s support for feminism has been brought into light through this novel.


Key words: Angela Carter; The Magic Toyshop; feminism; bisexual relationship; independent consciousness






Chapter One Melanie’s Awareness of Female’s Gender Identity-3

Chapter Two Women Characters’Awakening Independent Consciousness-5

2.1Melanie’s Awakening Independent Conscousness-5

2.2Aunt Margaret’s Awakening Independent Conscousness-6

Chapter Three Analysis of Bisexual Relationships-7

3.1 Relationship between Uncle Philip Flower and Aunt Margaret-9

3.2 Relationship between Melanie and Finn-9

3.3 Relationship between Aunt Margaret and Francie-11

3.4 Shift of Melanie’s and Aunt Margaret’s Role-12



