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Abstract: -With the development and progress of society, people have different opinions about marriage. Flash marriage and non-marriage are common in modern society. The rate of divorce is getting much higher too. When the problem comes, people usually will try to seek advice from classics of older generation. As one part of western traditional culture, not only does the bible contain plenty of aspects in terms of religion, society, philosophy, law and morality, but also elaborates the origin of marriage and the way to getting along well between husband and wife. Starting with God’s creation of Adam and Eve, this paper tends to elaborate two secrets of building marriage: being company and human reproduction and offspring. Then three couples who have different stories follow up: Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Rachel, from which this paper comes to conclusion that husband and wife should love, trust, accompany, support each other. To make a happy marriage, getting along well between mother and the daughter-in-law is important too, which is proofed by what happened between Ruth and Naomi. Moreover, the love affairs of David and Bathsheba, Abraham and Hagar are included to show the necessity of loyalty to the other spouse. It is hoped that this paper can help people to have more correct understanding of marriage, thus to build and last a happy marriage.

Key words: Bible  view of marriage  happy marriage





1 Introduction-1

1.1 Marriage in God's Eyes-1

2 The Common Features of Happy Marriage in the Bible-3

2.1 The Relationship Between Couples-3

2.1.1Adam and Eve-The First Couple on Earth-3

2.1.2 Abraham and Sarah-- The Couple Who Represents Faith and Support-4

2.1.3 Jacob and Rachel---The Couple Who Went Through Great Difficulty-6

3 Adultery-The Destroyer of Marriage-9

3.1 David and Bathsheba-10

3.2 Abraham and Hagar-10

4 Ways to Make a Happy Marriage-11

4.1 The Importance of Good Relationship Between the Couple-11

4.2 The Importance of Harmony Among Family Members in the Marriage-12

5 Conclusion-13


