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Abstract: Immersion approach, as a language instruction throughout the teaching process, makes the children immersed in an English environment and takes advantage of the critical period to learn the language and achieve a "multiplier" effect. 

   Through theoretical analysis, comprehensive literature and on the base of practical bilingual kindergarten cases, this article analyzes the importance and necessity of immersion teaching in the application of children’s English learning. 

   Key words: Children’s English; immersion approach; application






1 The Factors Affecting Children’s English Learning-2

1.1-Internal factors-2

1.2-External factors-3

2 The Current Situations in China-5

3 Immersion Approach-6

3.1 Definition-6

3.2 Principles of Immersion Approach-7

3.2.1 The Principle of Objectivity-7

3.2.2 The Principle of Coordination-7

3.2.3 The Principle of Motivation-7

3.2.4 The Principle of Fairness-8

3.2.5 The Principle of Development-8

4 Suggestions on the Application of Immersion Approach-9

4.1 The Application of Immersion Approach in Children’s English Teaching-9

4.1.1 The Necessity of Immersion Approach in Children’s English Teaching-9

4.1.2 The Advantages of Immersion in Children’s English Teaching-9

4.1.3 The Teaching Methods in Immersion English Class-10

4.2 The Cultivation Strategies of Immersion Approach in English Teaching-13

4.2.2 To Improve Teachers' Ability-14

4.2.3 To Cultivate the Unity of the Public Consciousness-14



