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Abstract: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer describes the adventure stories of Tom Sawyer together with his friends Huckleberry Finn and others. Twain put his own character of childhood on Tom Sawyer to describe his childhood in Hannibal. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was integrated with abundant humor, solid narration with criticism and reflection towards society. Twain was good at colloquial expressions, who helped and promoted the typical American literature on the foundation of American spirits and language development. This thesis aims to find out those excellent methods Mark Twain used to create different roles successfully.


Key words: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Mark Twain; different roles; excellent methods






Chapter I. Vivid contrast-3

1.1 A brief introduction to contrast-3

1.2 Contrast makes vivid characters and plots-5

1.2.1 vertical contrast-5

1.2.2 Lateral contrast-7

Chapter II . Emotional hyperbole.-9

2.1 A brief introduction to hyperbole-10

2.2 Hyperbole full-fills the emotion of characters-11

Chapter III . Charming description -13

3.1 A brief introduction to description-13

3.2 Description emphasizes features-16



