
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-11
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Since there is a tendency that SLA (Second Language Acquisition) is gaining its popularity, so does the ESL (English as a Second Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language), which are part of it. Many researchers have played their part in it, providing the public with lots of valuable and significant findings that can be employed both in theoretical and practical fields. However, the majority of the researchers put their emphasis on the theoretical perspectives on learning strategies and very few on the current situation of EFL teachers’ instructions on the students’ learning strategies. This thesis focuses on the exploration of EFL teachers’ instruction on students’ learning strategies in the junior high school in part of Sichuan Province, China. And it tries to provide a general account of the current situation with suggestions to the existing problems, with which not only can evoke the EFL teachers’ attention to the instructions on this issue and make some improvements, but also give some thoughts for students to use language learning strategies and armed themselves with the life-long beneficial behavior, for example, self-study, self-examination, self-adjustment and so on. Besides, this study may also be used as an indication or reference for those who want to get into this issue. In other words, the study might be seen as a glimpse into the education circle on this issue to build up a better environment for the English language study.

The study collects data via the literature review home and abroad, the questionnaire, the interview, and the observations, then analyzed by the SPSS with quantitative and qualitative methods. It arrives at the following conclusions. Firstly, the EFL teachers’ knowledge about learning strategies and instructions on strategies needs to be improved to make the guidance on students more rationally and effectively. Secondly, appropriate on-job training and further programs need to be carried out to help teachers adjust and innovate their employment of instructions. Thirdly, the new type of relationships between teachers and students should be established.


Key Words: Learning strategies SLA EFL learning EFL learning strategy instructions






1.1 Research background-1

1.2 Research Purpose-3

1.3 Research Content-3

1.4 Significance of the study-3

1.5 Structure of the study-4

2. Literature Review-5

2.1 A Brief Introduction to Language Learning Strategies-5

2.2 The Classification of Language Learning Strategies-7

2.3 A Brief Introduction to the EFL Teachers’ Instructions on the Students’ Learning Strategies.-8

2.4 Review of Related Empirical Studies Home and Abroad-9

3. Methodology-10

3.1 Research questions-10

3.2 Participants-10

3.3 Research methods-11

3.3.1 Questionnaire-11

3.3.2 Interview-12

3.3.3 Observation-12

3.4 Methods of Data Analysis-13

4. Findings and Discussion-14

4.1 The Characteristics of EFL Teachers in Instruction-14

4.4.1 The Characteristics of EFL Teachers’ Knowledge about Learning Strategies.-14

4.1.2 The Characteristics of EFL Teachers’ Instruction on Students’ Learning Strategies.-16

4.2 The Ways and Frequency of EFL Teachers’ Instructions’ on Students’ Learning Strategies-18

4.2.1 The Ways of EFL Teachers’ Instructions’ on Students’ Learning Strategies-18

4.2.2 The Frequency of EFL Teachers’ Instructions’ on Students’ Learning Strategies-20

4.3 The Problems of the EFL Teachers’ Instructions-20

4.4 Influential Factors of the EFL Teachers-21

5. Conclusion-22

5.1 Implications-23

5.2 Limitations-23

5.3 Suggestions for Future Research-24

6. Bibliography-25


