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Abstract :As Jack Kerouac’s most important masterpiece, On the Road has presented to us various hippy images, with Dean Moriaty and Sal Paradise as the two most important figures. The hippy images Jack Kerouac shaped in On the Road became the forerunners of the Hippies in the Hippie Movement in the 1960s and 1970s right after the Beat Generation, influencing the Hippies on their attitude towards the society. Their way of dressing, their lifestyles and behaviors, etc. Having been influenced by the Beat Generation, the Hippies elevated their Movement to a higher level.

Key words: On the Road, hippy images, the Hippie Movement, influence






1 The hippy image of Dean Moriaty-4

1.1 Dean Moriaty: the crazy “saint” who transcended the tragedy-5

1.2 Dean: the pure soul-9

1.3 The hippy image of Dean Moriaty-10

2 The hippy image of Sal Paradise-11

2.1 Sal Paradise’s importance in On the Road-11

2.2 Sal Paradise’s spiritual pursuit-14

2.3 The hippy image of Sal Paradise-15

3 The hippy images of the others-17

3.1 The hippy image of Sal’s “intellectual” friends-17

3.2 The hippy image of the jazz musicians-17



