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 Language is the purveyor of culture, also the important part in it. Therefore, language teaching should include cultural teaching. And the progress of learning language is to understand and master the language and cultural knowledge. For English teaching , cultivating students’ cross-cultural awareness is of great value. This article aims to through the observation of practical teaching ,the investigation about the students’ cross-cultural awareness and literature, explore and analyze the importance and the difficulty in cultivating students’ across-cultural awareness, on which the author puts forward some strategies to help the students cultivate it. 

Key Words: cultivate language cross-cultural awareness






1. The Definition of Cross-cultural Awareness-4

2. The Importance of Cultivating Cross-cultural Awareness.-5

2.1. Globalization.-5

2.2.Arouse Students’ Interest and Passion.-5

2.3.Develop Students’ Ability to Communicate.-5

2.4 Meet Social Needs-6

2.5 Language Can’t be Separated from Culture-6

3.The Difficulty for Students to Cultivate Cross-cultural Awareness-6

3.1 Traditional Culture and Thought.-7

3.1.1  Different Behavior, Thinking and Communicative Pattern-7

3.1.2 Cultural Iceberg-7

3.1.3 Cultural Superiority-7

3.2 Teachers’ Quality-8

3.3 Examinational-oriented Education-8

4.  The Current Situation of Students’ Cross-cultural Awareness.-8

4.1 The Observation of English Class-9

4.2 The Analysis of Questionnaire.-9

4.3 The Analysis of Interview-12

5.The Method to Cultivate Students’ Cross-cultural Awareness-13

5.1 Make Use of the Students’ Dominant Position and Arouse Their Interests-13

5.2 Analyze Textbooks and Create Situations-14

5.3 Use Multimedia and Optimize Teaching-15

5.4 English Performance-15

5.5 Communicate with Foreign Teachers-15



