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     With the gradual combination, development and innovation of modern network technology and education field, flipped classroom, as a new teaching model, become vigorous and widely applied. Meanwhile, under new education policies’ times background, such as English new curriculum standard, quality-oriented education, etc. The localization of flipped classroom can be a great motivation on domestic research on English teaching. This thesis, which discusses and studies from flipped classroom and related theories, practice of reading teaching and summary and implication these three aspects, is based on issues about how to localize flipped classroom in teaching English reading for junior middle school students.

     At first, this paper starts with the origin, development and theoretical basis of flipped classroom, at the same time it analyzes junior middle school English reading teaching in China current situation, main mode, and feasibility and challenges of flipped classroom localized in English reading teaching for junior middle school students. And on the basis of theory, it elaborates my specific teaching practice, which is divided into three parts: prestage analysis, design and application, summary and implication. Finally, conclude this practice and theory, analyze the deficiency of the practice and briefly summarize the argument --- how to use flipped classroom in the junior middle school English reading teaching to achieve great teaching effects.

     This study aims at putting forward teaching procedures of flipped classroom in junior English teaching based on abundant theoretical foundation, and exploring some feasible and helpful teaching designs, strategies and concepts to solve the problems encountered during the localization of flipped classroom. In this way, we can attempt to  improve students’ autonomous learning ability and accomplish efficient and vigorous English class.

Key words: teaching; flipped classroom; junior English; reading class






1. Previous Studies on Flipped Classroom-2

1.1 Background-2

1.2 Concept and Characteristics-3

1.3 Theoretical Basis of Flipped Classroom-5

1.3.1 Constructivism Theory-5

1.3.2 ZPD Theory-6

1.3.3 Students’ Independent Discovery Learning-7

1.4 Current Situation-8

1.4.1 Current Situation Abroad-8

1.4.2 Current Situation at Home-9

2. English Reading Teaching for Junior Middle School-11

2.1 Current Situation-11

2.2 Main Models for Teaching Reading-12

2.3 Analysis of Flipped Classroom Localized in English Reading Teaching-13

2.3.1 Analysis of the Feasibility-13

2.3.2 Analysis of Challenges-14

3. Flipped classroom Teaching Practice (Case Studies)-15

3.1 Introduction to My Teaching Practice-15

3.2 Background Analysis-15

3.2.1 Teaching Contents’ Analysis-15

3.2.2 Learners’ Analysis-16

3.2.3 Teaching and Learning Circumstances’ Analysis-17

3.3 Design-17

3.3.1 Objectives-17

3.3.2 Participants-17

3.3.3 Instruments-17

3.3.4 Process’ Design-18 Before Class-18 In Class-19

3.4 Application Process-20

3.5 Assessment and Reflection-21

3.5.1 Assessment for Students’ Learning Effects-21

3.5.2 Students’ Assessment-22

3.5.3 In-service Teachers’ Assessment-22

3.5.4 Reflection-22

4. Summary and Implication-23



