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Abstract: The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott. Fitzgerald, is one of the most classical works that represent the American dream. The novel shows people in Jazz Age lost their inner spiritual pursuits; they just sought material enjoyment and were eroded by empty and disillusionment. The protagonist Gatsby is an assiduous person with romantic spirit who struggles to realize his dream. He tries to obtain fame, social position and love through money. But he fails in realizing his dream and ends up with a tragic of being murdered. This essay is based on the original to expound the disillusionment of Gatsby’s American dream through his three dreams.

Key words: The Great Gatsby; American Dream; money; social status; love; disillusionment






CHAPTER 1 Gatsby’s Dream for Money-4

1.1 The Methods to Get Wealth-4

1.2 The Apparent Success of His Money Dream-5

CHAPTER 2 Gatsby’s Dream for Social Status-6

2.1 The Approaches of Social Status-6

2.2 The Failure of Gatsby’s Status Dream-7

CHAPTER 3 Gatsby’s Dream for Love-9

3.1 The Ways to get Daisy’s Love-9

3.2 The Disillusionment of Gatsby’s Love Dream-10


Notes 15

Bibliography 16

