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Abstract:The Apostle Paul is one of the most important figures in the New Testament of the Bible and the life experiences of him are almost recorded in the Acts. To most people who are not familiar with the Bible, it is possible that Paul’s image is only represented as an apostle of the Gentiles. However, before encountering Jesus Christ, Paul was once a persecutor who tried to kill Christians. The gradual change of Paul’s image has been recorded in the Acts. This essay will analyze how he changed from a murder, to a confessor and finally to a preacher who got through all the sufferings. To know his gradual change can be a good way for people to get to know him better, and can also get some implications of why he became a precious vessel of God.

Key word: image conversion persecutor apostle






Chapter One: From the Beginning-A Cruel Persecutor-2

1.1 Background-2

1.1.1 Paul's Identity and the Education Received by Paul-2

1.2 Paul Ravaging Churches-4

1.2.1 Ways of Persecution-4

1.2.2 The Mistaken Enthusiasm for Religious Purpose-5

Chapter Two: In the Middle-A Confessor and Disciple-5

2.1 The Conversion of Paul -5

2.1.1 Experience of Encountering Christ in Person-6

2.2 Share of Testimony-6

2.2.1 Change in Attitude-6

2.2.2 Change in Name-8

Chapter Three: To the End-An Apostle of the Gentiles-9

3.1 Beginning the Journey of Preaching-9

3.2 The Different Roles as an Apostle-10



