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Abstract: Greece mythology and the Bible are the source of Western culture, and both of them had a profound impact on literature and religion. Greece myths are created by humans in the wild during the cultural treasure-house, which contains a series of filled with flesh-and-blood gods begin, they and the intricacies of human relationships: the gods created, guarded, and protected the human. The gods represented the stronger and fitter man. Gods have strong emotion likes people.  In the Bible, almighty God replaces all the gods in Olympus. The relationship between human and god can be divided 3 categories: God created human; God saved human. God is the human of the human. The similarity between Greek mythology and Bible in the relationship between man and god is that gods is powerful and almighty and created human even everything on the earth. The differences are that the relationship between man and gods in Greek mythology is more harmonious and equal, but in the Bible, the human is the servant of the God and must believe in God.


Key word: Greek myth; Bible; human; god






Chapter One The Relationship Between Man and God in the Greek Mythology-3

1.1 Introduction-3

1.2 Gods Created the Human-3

1.3 Gods Represented the Human-5

1.4 Gods Protected the Human-6

Chapter Two The Relationship Between Man and God in the Holy Bible-7

2.1 Introduction-7

2.2 God Created the Human-8

2.3 God Saved the Human-9

2.4 God was the Master of Human-10



